
Now more than ever...

Many of us are use to taking care of others, period. It has become second nature to care for others before ourselves. Getting back to loving and caring for ourselves could be a routine to strive for. Personally, as a massage therapist, not only am I caring for my loved ones daily but my career focuses on other folks well-being. I have found the time in my schedule to seek care monthly; typically it’s a massage, other times it’s a pedicure, or getting my hair done. However, my self care on a daily basis is mindfulness. I make it a point every day to do at least one of the following: positive affirmations, meditate, read a book, breathe deep, take a walk, stretch. If we could add one of these into our daily routines, the difference could be tremendous.

If the “list” does not appeal to you then incorporate a massage into your life at least once a month; ideally twice a month can really keep things on track. Take advantage and tell yourself that you are worth taking care of. Massage does not need to be a “treat” it could be a part of your self care plan, that’s when you will see magnificent results.

Actively Slowing Down

One of my recent struggles is learning to slow down. Not because I’m always on the move or a workaholic but because I’m creating another being inside of me. Being a Massage Therapist, I’ve always encouraged mothers-to-be to get massage, to listen to their bodies, to take the time they need to adapt to this huge life change; I just didn't realize how difficult it would be to take my own advice [go figure!]. I recently was told by another LMT and new mom, “it’s difficult, but you need to actively slow down” I thought to myself ‘I’ve cut down on so many activities, foods, drinks, etc. I am actively slowing down.’ The truth is I had not slowed down as much as I needed to. My body was exhausted for the following two days from 3-one hour massages, I thought that this was so bizarre, I was always able to do 3 massages in one day, I must be getting sick or I must not have gotten enough sleep, food or water. In all reality, it’s just getting to the point where the little being I’m creating is needing more from me and taking it as he needs it.

The struggle of changing your mind to REALIZE that you are CREATING another LIFE does not happen in the snap of a finger or when you get the news that you are pregnant. I’m 7 months almost 8 and I’m just wrapping my head around this; the time it has taken, the aches and pains I’m enduring, the fatigue I am feeling and the appetite I’ve adapted are now making me come to the realization. All in all I am glad to finally get to this point, I’ve always listened to my body but this has taught me to listen in a whole new way.

Under Pressure

We have all felt the “it hurts so good” pressure pain and we’ve all felt the pressure pain that makes your body jump. There should never be a time during your session where the pressure is so deep that you’re wincing or it’s unbearable. Struggling through pressure pain like that is not healthy nor is it beneficial to the massage. At that point, your body is tensing up causing your muscles to contract therefore not giving your ailment areas the right type of treatment. If at any time during a session, pressure is too deep you should be vocal about it; let your therapist know so they can adjust. Remember just because you were able to handle deep pressure in another area or that same area before, does not mean that’s what you need in your current session.

Reducing Winter Blues

The seasonal changes tend to leave us feeling laggy and sad. Massage is known to improve your energy and aid in a better nights sleep. If you’re feeling all around sluggish, finding yourself eating more or that it’s just difficult to get out of bed in the morning, you may want to consider adding Massage Therapy into your routine.

Massage and Technology

Take the time to slow down and be mindful of your posture. We are usually looking down at our phones and reaching forward to see our computer screens. These actions tighten the anterior neck muscles while stretching and weakening the posterior neck muscles. As these muscles tighten they roll your shoulders forward which crowd your chest and shortens your posture. Massage can help alleviate this postural distortion by loosening up the anterior muscles of the neck while realigning your shoulders to open up your chest for better posture.

As a previous employee of a technology company, I’ve developed forward head posture just from everyday work activities. Everything was on a phone, tablet or computer (which is fine because I love technology!) but I was not aware of how my body was slowing altering so I can use these devices. I am now able to recognize the importance of being mindful for the sake of my posture.

If you can relate to this and the attached article you may want to consider making massage a part of your monthly health routine. Technology employees ask about our massage discounts!