
Now more than ever...

Many of us are use to taking care of others, period. It has become second nature to care for others before ourselves. Getting back to loving and caring for ourselves could be a routine to strive for. Personally, as a massage therapist, not only am I caring for my loved ones daily but my career focuses on other folks well-being. I have found the time in my schedule to seek care monthly; typically it’s a massage, other times it’s a pedicure, or getting my hair done. However, my self care on a daily basis is mindfulness. I make it a point every day to do at least one of the following: positive affirmations, meditate, read a book, breathe deep, take a walk, stretch. If we could add one of these into our daily routines, the difference could be tremendous.

If the “list” does not appeal to you then incorporate a massage into your life at least once a month; ideally twice a month can really keep things on track. Take advantage and tell yourself that you are worth taking care of. Massage does not need to be a “treat” it could be a part of your self care plan, that’s when you will see magnificent results.